Infratech Heaters Made In USA
Infratech Heaters Made In USA

Outside Cooking During the Cooler Months

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After coming off what can be arguably said was a consistent Summer, in the next 6 weeks daylight savings will be gone, and we will be staring down the cooler months.

We eat differently when we cook outside.  Not so much of the heavy stodgy foods like stews, casseroles and pasta but lighter meat and salad combinations which tend to leave us feeling lighter but satisfied.

So how do we hold onto those good eating habits in the cooler months but manage to stay warm?

Infratech electric outdoor heating is the answer.  Infratech has heating units that are made from 100% recyclable materials. They do not emit any greenhouse gases, nor do they release any odours or ultraviolet light which can be harmful as it is a form of UV radiation.

Infrared technology distributes an even, ambient heat that will not be overpowering or have you huddled around the element.  Infratech heaters have a Quartz heating element which provides an environmentally clean, safe wavelength of light that is absorbed only be solid objects as opposed to heating the air.

If you have outdoor blinds, your pergola can virtually become another living area attached to the house.  You can essentially eat outside all year round.

For the cafe, restaurant & business owners, here’s an article you need to check out – Why All Cafe & Restaurant Owners should have Commercial Outdoor Heating

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Bridge Hotel Uses Infratech Heaters


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Infrared Heating – What’s it all about?

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