Infratech Heaters Made In USA
Infratech Heaters Made In USA


Enjoy Outdoor Living all year round

Outdoor Living in Australia After coming off what can be arguably said was a consistent Summer, in the next 6 weeks daylight savings will be gone, and we will be staring down the cooler months. We eat differently when we cook outside. Not so much of the heavy stodgy foods like stews, casseroles and pasta […]

3 More Great Spots to Enjoy

We continue to name some of our favourite local bars and restaurant you can enjoy, even on those cold nights, with a little help from some Infratech Heaters. For Cafe & Restaurant owners, Infratech heaters work wonderfully in any dining setting, both indoors and out. The perfect addition to keep your guests comfortable in your […]

Melbourne Bars to Enjoy any time of the year

Hugos group has been in operation for over 20 years. It boasts some of Australia’s most patronised and well-loved bars and restaurants.

Maximise your Entertaining Area with Infratech Heaters

There are many homes and businesses that have benefited from the effectiveness and energy cost reduction from the Infratech brand.

Why Cafe & Restaurant Owners should have Outdoor Heating

Commercial Outdoor Heating and why Business Owners should consider it Cafés, restaurants, entertainment venues alike all have similar challenges.  How do you maximise patronage?  A great place to start is with a warm ambient atmosphere for those colder months. Melbourne, in particular, can have four seasons in one day.  How does a lifestyle business promote […]

6 Benefits of Outdoor Heating

Here are 6 benefits of outdoor heating you may appreciate: Create a whole new room When we think of outdoor heating we imagine capitalising in our outdoor area.  People don’t use their outdoor entertaining area as much in Winter as they do in Summer, even with Infratech outdoor heaters.  Start with the idea that your […]
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