Infratech Heaters Made In USA
Infratech Heaters Made In USA


Cost of Heating – We Compare the Options

The Cost of Heating Gas Heating Gas heating tends to be more expensive than electric heating overall.  There is the initial cost of the unit and the ongoing gas expense.  If you are looking at bottled gas as opposed to mains this increases the costs again.  There are also moving parts including valves, ignition components, […]

Worldwide Design with Infratech Heating

Infratech heaters have the practical function of heating an area, inside or outside.  Infratech professionals work with hotels, resort, entertainment precincts as well as homeowners to design an exclusive plan for your heating needs including assorted colours, size, controller and mounting options.  Infratech heaters can be flush, ceiling, wall, or pole mounted. Infratech is often […]

Banoi Restaurant – Another Great Spot to Enjoy All Year Round

Banoi Restaurant in the Heart of Melbourne The popular Banoi Restaurant has two Melbourne locations, 807 Burke Street, Docklands and 530 Little Bourke Street.  It is one of the area’s finest authentic Vietnamese dining experiences.  Its focus is traditional homestyle food handed down from owner Michael’s grandmother. Old style recipes as Bun Bo Hue, one of the […]

Award Winning Infratech Heaters

Southern California is where the quality built Infratech heaters are made.  In recent times a research company called Top 10 Reviews have evaluated numerous patio and outdoor heating options.  After 4 years and over 100 hours, they have deemed Infratech Heaters the best electric mounted heating option for your outdoor and indoor heating requirements. Benefits […]

Outside Cooking During the Cooler Months

After coming off what can be arguably said was a consistent Summer, in the next 6 weeks daylight savings will be gone, and we will be staring down the cooler months. We eat differently when we cook outside.  Not so much of the heavy stodgy foods like stews, casseroles and pasta but lighter meat and […]

Infratech Heaters presents Outdoor Design Trends

Outdoor Living in Australia The leaves start to turn to yellow and we can no longer rely on the weather to be mild, or the days long. The colder months are on the way.  You may be thinking “I don’t want to stop having the outdoor dinners we had with friends and family this Summer”.  Well, […]
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